They were in complete awe watching it snow.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A lesson for me
This whole story was good for me and even though Hudson
is only two, he taught me something. So anyone that knows Huddy
knows that he is in love with the blanket(a.k.a brown one). So we headed off
to the mall with brown one of course, but when we got home Hudson asked for
it and me and Jared both looked at each other like oh no.. we left it at the mall.
I called the mall but they were already closed. So we explained to Hud what had
happened and he said, Lets say a prayer! Sweetest thing ever to hear your two
year old say that. So we said a prayer and called the mall first thing in the morning.
They told us they had not found it, and when I told Hudson that he said "thats ok
we say another prayer"!! I told him I thought that brown one was really lost, but we
could go get another blanket. Of course he didn't like that idea. So about another hour
went by, I had forgot about the blanket but he had not. He asked to say another prayer.
I was like come on the blanket is lost!!! But we said one more prayer and called the mall
and they had it. I was shocked. He was so happy!! Love that little boy...
Halloween 2009
I know Im way behind on this whole blogging but I wanted to get
up a few pics. from halloween. This is Huddy and his cousin
Ayden. All Hudson wanted to be for Halloween was anything
consisting of his pajamas. This child loves to wear his pj's, so me
and Jar said whatever you can wear your moose pajamas and be a moose.
(Although he did have a costume)
Me and my sis in laws
Hudson was in love with this witch and wanted to follow
her around all night!! Little did we know that he would have complete
trauma from her. He was terrified from there on out and he wouldn't
go to sleep because he thought there were witches in his room. I
guess we learned our lesson.
Sissy with some of her cousins
Monday, November 2, 2009
Broken Leg
So sad!! I know I should have a better picture
of her leg but I just haven't got one yet!! So about
two weeks ago we were just hanging out on a Friday
night and Peyton climbed up on the ottoman and walked
right off it. I was sitting right there and heard it snap, it was
the saddest thing ever she wouldn't stop crying and would put
no pressure on it. So I told Jar we better take her into the instacare
because there was no way I was going to the ER(i hate that place)
We took her in and they said it looked fine, well come to find out
they had x-rayed the wrong leg, are you serious??? So 4 days later
she gets the cast... She is actually doing really well with it and she can
even walk with it. So moral of the story if you think your child has broke
there leg don't let your hubby take them in for the x-ray!!! Ha ha Love ya babe
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
5 Years
So this is what I was doing 5 years ago!! I honestly can't
believe that it has already been that long. Its so crazy what can
happen in 5 years, I love Jared more and more everyday. He is the
best hubby and dad. He works so hard and I know that he would do
anything for me. Thanks babe I love you so so much!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Holy Birthdays
Happy Birthday Babe!!! So in the past three weeks
we have had everyones birthday but mine. Its kind of
crazy but fun. Seriously I just have to brag for a sec
about how much I love this man. He is the best best
best hubby I could ever ask for. I could not ask for anything
better! He is such a great daddy too!!! He would and does
anything for us and I appreciate him more and more
everyday. He works so hard so I can stay home and do
what I love(well most days)!! I love love love you and I
hope you had a great day babe.
Black eye for his Bday
This is how he opened all his presents!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happy Bday Sissy
Last week(Sept. 10) was Peytons first birthday. She
is such a little sweetie and I honestly can't get enough
of her. She brings so much joy into our home and I
think that Hudson would be completly lost with out her.
They of course have there moments of not getting
along, but for the most part they play so well together.
We had a fun little party and all her favorite people got
to be there to celebrate!!! Love ya Peyton
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
...and we did!! Last weekend me, my mother and sisters

went up to Swiss Days for the weekend. Its kind of our
tradition to go up every year and make a weekend
out of it. Although I haven't been the last two years
because I either had a one week old baby, or was like 10 months
prego. Basically all we did was shopped way to much, ate
way to much, and laughed the whole time. These girls really
are crazy and the best friends you could ever ask for.
have some high hopes for that thing
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Poor Guy!!! On Sunday Hudson and Peyton were
in the tub and he slipped and hit his eye one the
corner of the tub. I pretty much was freaking
out, I do not do well with blood and there was
so much blood. We called our neighbor who is a
plastic surgeon and he took him into his office
and did an awesome job fixing him up(so sad
but four men had to hold him down) When he
got home we told him that he could choose any
treat he wanted, Guess what he chose....Brown
Sugar, are you kiddin me. He just wanted some
in a bowl and he wanted to dip his finger in it. So
of course we said OK!! Just thought that was funny
out of all treats he wanted brown sugar. Anyways
he is doing great, thanks so much to our awesome
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Happy Happy Birthday Hudson
Oh how I just adore this boy!!! Hudson brings
so much happiness and joy into our home and
our lives. He is at such a fun age, some
of the things he loves right now are Big Big Trucks
(aka Tractors), Grandpa and Grandma, being
outside, any kind of water play, jumpin on the
tramp, scaring sissy with pretend snakes, telling
stories, cuddling with dad right before bed, eating
doughnuts, making cookies, getting in the dirt and
of course the list could go on and on!!!! We had
such a fun day, Jar didn't work so we just partied
all day and then all Hudsons favorite people came
over that night for a party. Happy Birthday Baby!!!
I know not exactly what you would get a 2
year old little boy, but whatever keeps him happy
He loves her
Eating Lunch
sneakin some cake
Of course we had to end the night with the tramp
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Just a few Things
Can I just say that I love Summer!!! Everything
about it is just great. Although I must say that I am
getting excited for that weird? Anyways
heres a few fun days!!
Not really the greatest picture, but here is grandma
larsen with almost all the grandkids
Me and Jared were trying to get a million projects
done one day and it was just not working with
the kids, so we filled up these buckets and they
played forever in them
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Bear Lake 2009
Every year the Larsen side heads up to Bear lake to stay for

the week. Actually just all of Jareds siblings and his parents!!
We have so much fun and it is so nice to just relax(although
with my kids there wasn't a whole lot of relaxing) but thats another
story!! We stay at Jareds Grandmas cabin thats right on the lake.
The whole week is filled with skiing, tubing, laying out, playing
games, and of course a ton of good food.
3 of the 7 Boys
Hudson being a "fishy"
So cute
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