Monday, November 2, 2009

Broken Leg

So sad!! I know I should have a better picture
of her leg but I just haven't got one yet!! So about
two weeks ago we were just hanging out on a Friday
night and Peyton climbed up on the ottoman and walked
right off it. I was sitting right there and heard it snap, it was
the saddest thing ever she wouldn't stop crying and would put
no pressure on it. So I told Jar we better take her into the instacare
because there was no way I was going to the ER(i hate that place)
We took her in and they said it looked fine, well come to find out
they had x-rayed the wrong leg, are you serious??? So 4 days later
she gets the cast... She is actually doing really well with it and she can
even walk with it. So moral of the story if you think your child has broke
there leg don't let your hubby take them in for the x-ray!!! Ha ha Love ya babe


  1. Ohmygoodness! That is so sad! I can't believe they x-ray'd the wrong leg! Wow! Glad she's doing ok!

  2. Brit are you kidding me? That's so sad. I can't believe you heard it break... that makes me a little bit sick.

  3. The wrong leg!!!! That is so sad! I hope she feels better! I miss you guys!
